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Sweet Loren's is proud to be the #1 Natural Cookie Dough Brand in the U.S.*

Thank you to VegOut for featuring Sweet Loren’s in their Top 15 Nostalgic Vegan Snacks article.


“These snacks are the vegan versions of all your childhood favs! Wish you could go back to the days of trampoline jumping, devouring yummy afterschool snacks, and not having to worry about paying bills? While we can’t help you with your bills, we can definitely help you track down the plant-based versions of all your favorite childhood eats! From Cheetos, Goldfish, and Hot Pockets to M&M’s and Little Debbie Snacks, there’s a vegan alternative for just about any popular food item from your past! Get the tissues ready, because these snacks are nostalgic AF! “

Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough

Baking cookies is one of our favorite activities! Why? You must always “sample” the cookie dough to make sure it tastes okay––and then double and triple check that… For those who used to religiously purchase pre-made Nestlé Toll House cookie dough, there’s a vegan and gluten-free version you can enjoy! Sweet Loren’s makes non-GMO pre-cut refrigerated cookie dough out of clean ingredients in Chocolate Chunk, Fudgy Brownie, Sugar, and Oatmeal Cranberry flavors. Now most cookie dough packages read “do not consume raw,” but Sweet Loren’s packages read “safe to eat raw.” Veganism for the win! And if your cookie dough never even makes it to the oven, you might want to check out their creamy, edible cookie dough in a jar.

Read the rest of the article here.