Web Accessibility Statement

Sweet Loren’s strives to have our website be accessible to all users. Our company is undertaking efforts to increase the accessibility of the website to ensure that persons with disabilities have full and equal access to it. Our website conforms to existing recommendations and standards and has been tested with various assistive technologies.
If you encounter a problem accessing Sweet Loren’s website, or if you would like to provide feedback about Sweet Loren’s site, please contact us using the contact information listed on this page.
Website Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Levels A and AA
During the development process, our authors followed the Website Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Levels A and AA Accessibility Recommendation to ensure that the site will be accessible. The site uses valid HTML 5 and CSS 2.0, and it also meets the standards set in the Web-based applications section of the Website Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Levels A and AA standards.
Alt Text
All important images on this site are accompanied by brief alt text that identifies the image or its function. If you are using a graphic browser, alt-text tags are visible only if the browser’s automatic image-loading feature is turned off.
PDF documents
Where we have documents posted in PDF format (Portable Document Format), these documents can be read aloud to you using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. To get the free download of Acrobat Reader, visit the Acrobat Reader site. Once the PDF page is opened in Adobe Reader, select the View Menu, then Read Out Loud, then either Read This Page Only or Read To End of Document.
All text hyperlinks are written so that they make sense when read out of context.
Parts of the Sweet Loren’s site use JavaScript. This website has been designed for device independence so that use of the mouse is not required.
All forms elements used to gather information from users (e.g. feedback forms, search functions) on this site have labels associated with them to ensure that all users will be able to utilize these features.
If you experience any accessibility issues, have questions regarding accessibility, need assistance, or to provide feedback, please email hello@sweetlorens.com or call (917) 819-5990.