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Thank you to Real Simple for featuring our fearless founder, Loren Brill, in your recent article titled, 20 Inspiring Quotes and Mentorship Advice From Female Leaders.

Mentorship Advice From Female Leaders

Let fear empower you, not stop you.

“Never limit yourself. Dream big, even if it scares you. Passion, lots of hard work and focus will get you to those places you’ve dreamed about. Use fear or any doubts others have of you to empower yourself to prove them wrong.

Look fear in the face and say, ‘You don’t scare me.’ Paving your own path is scary, and even if you own your own company, it can be lonely at the top. Dig deep to find what’s personal to you, what you really care about, and then find a need in the market.

If you can match what you’re passionate about with a job, the sky’s the limit to what you can build or value you can add. Even if you’re in a male-dominated job field, your feminine perspective can be a unique and fresh voice, and I have seen that have incredible value. Be strong and stand up for yourself, but also know how to be a great partner to anyone you’re working with. Life is so precious, so go for it! Reach your potential.”

—Loren Brill, CEO and founder of Sweet Lorens

To read the full article click here.