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Sweet Loren's is proud to be the #1 Natural Cookie Dough Brand in the U.S.*

Allergen-friendly baked goods leader Sweet Loren’s Inc., New York, N.Y., partnered with Barbie maker Mattel Inc. on a co-branded refrigerated, pink, heart-shaped cookie dough. Each pack contains 12 pre-cut heart-shaped cookies that are easy to bake and ready in less than 15 minutes. Sweet Loren’s notes that it colors the cookies with natural extract from red beets instead of artificial colors. Its products also are free of the top 14-allergens (including gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts). The item debuted in January to retail stores nationwide and carries a suggested retail of $6.99.

Officials say the collaboration also entails a giveback component. Sweet Loren’s and The Barbie Dream Gap Project support Girls with Impact, an organization that empowers girls to pursue their business dreams.

Read more here on Prepared Foods.