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Sweet Loren's is proud to be the #1 Natural Cookie Dough Brand in the U.S.*

From humble beginnings in 2009, Sweet Loren's has become a force in the dessert aisle with its line of dairy-free and gluten-free cookie doughs. In 2023, the brand baked up a sweet surprise for its customers. Sweet Loren's officially threw its hat in the breakfast ring this year with the launch of its Chocolate, Cinnamon Sugar, and Blueberry Breakfast Biscuits. Just like the brand's cookie dough, these breakfast biscuits are crafted with "only clean ingredients" that are plant-based. They are shelf-stable–perfect to have on hand at home or on the go. They couldn't have come at a better time either, introduced right as another popular health-conscious brand Enjoy Life retired all of its baked goods including its Breakfast Ovals and other snack bars.

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